In this heartwarming tale of acceptance and companionship, two abandoned Pit Bulls find comfort in one another at the shelter and go on to find a permanent home together

They braved the world together and ultimately decided to become a couple through adoption.

Two canines that ended up in a shelter box after being pulled from the street were raised in this manner. After realizing their dream of finding a family ready to adopt them both, the two four-legged friends always faced their initial voyage to their new home in each other’s arms.


Following the release of several photos of the two small dogs together on social media, the entire globe was awestruck by the two American Pit Bull Terrier breed canines with dark coats. The two canines in the pictures are adopted by two American wives who were moved by their gentle nature.

The tale of the two Pit Bulls was relayed by the animal shelter that long harbored Agatha and Jukebox. Following their adoption by an American family, the two small dogs gained even more online fame, largely due to the creation of a Facebook page called Jukebox & Agatha’s Bonded Journey (found at the social account @ Jukebox & Agatha’s Bonded Journey).

The two canines, Agatha and Jukebox, arrived at an animal rescue and rehabilitation facility in Arizona (USA). After being abandoned on the streets for several years, Agatha, a grey-coated female Pit Bull, was saved from starvation and the elements. One-year-old Jukebox, a male Pit Bull with a brownish coat, was discovered.

The four-legged creature had been left outside, roped to a light pole on a chilly, rainy day. Both had so been left behind and were now residing in the unforgiving surroundings of stray animals.

Almost on the same day, the two Pit Bulls arrived at the shelter and were put in the same box. It seemed as though the two friends with four legs had known one other for ages and had been apart until that moment. Even the personnel at the recovery clinic were surprised by the deep attachment Agatha and Jukebox showed for one another from the moment they first met.

During their months at the shelter, the two small puppies won over the hearts of every employee. They were cuddly and loving, spending their days playing and cuddling, only going to sleep after hugging each other.


Ultimately, Agatha and Jukebox were adopted because of the amazing connection they had formed. The affectionate behavior of both dogs drew the attention of an American couple who chose to adopt them. Thus, with their arms still wrapped around one another, the two puppies set out on their first car ride toward a new existence. Their story shows that there is nothing intrinsically bad about Pit Bulls.

Despite their reputation for being violent and aggressive, American Pit Bull Terrier dogs sometimes referred to as Pit Bulls, are very loving and loyal by nature. This is a result of the way they are raised and produced. The pictures that are frequently posted on Agatha and Jukebox’s Facebook page serve as proof of this.

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