A 12-year old Schoolgirl Brings Hope Back Upon Saving a Stray Dog and Heading Home

Mayane Rodrigues witnessed a stunning sight from her flat window in Brazil on a soggy and rainy day.

Rodriguez noticed a little girl walking home from school, stopped on a wet pavement, from a distance on the street below. After setting down her umbrella, she removed her coat and her backpack.

Then Rodriguez realized it was all for her when he saw a soaked stray puppy at the girl’s feet.

This is what transpired next:

'Angel' Spotted Saving A Stray Dog On Her Way Home From School

Rodriguez watched as the girl walked away, holding the puppy in her arms. She sees herself as an angel.

Everything happened in a flash. “It was quite touching,” Rodriguez said to Dodo. “I discovered who that angel was after sending the video to a friend, who then shared it with a community group.”


Cibely Stiegelmair is her name. Her age is twelve. That day, she prevented death.


Rejane Stiegelmair, Cibely’s mother, told The Dodo, “I was horrified when she arrived with the puppy because she was soaked in the rain and sweating profusely.”Her clothes were stained with blood. I assumed she was hurt, but she informed me that the dog was hurt.

Luckily, there wasn’t much harm done to the puppy. Nothing is too small for a little love and attention to fix.

Cibley realized she had to provide it for herself when she saw the puppy there by itself.

“Cibely has an incredibly kind heart. Rejane expressed her sincere regret for the stray dogs. “She would bring them home all if she could.”

Cibely gave the dog the name Pretinha, and she greeted the house with wide arms.

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