Heartbreaking Loyalty of an Abandoned Dog: It Waits in the Pouring Rain for Its Family to Return

Volunteers for the shelter saw a dog standing by itself in the rain on the road while they were traveling to the Dog Rescue Shelter in Mladenovac, Serbia.

The dog bolted into the woods and off the road as they approached. The dog acted aggressively towards the rescuers, but only because she was afraid.

They fed her food in an attempt to get her to come around, and eventually, after much persistence and patience, the dog agreed to trust them.

She consented to them petting, picking her up, and loading her into their vehicle. After bringing her to their refuge, they decided to give her the name “Lady.”

Now that she was indoors and out of the freezing rain, she felt a lot better already. Fortunately, she received the best love and care and was given a clean bill of health.

In just one month, Lady found a devoted home! Instead of being left out in the weather, she now has a spacious garden to play in and run around in with her new dog brother and a cozy bed to sleep in.

Watch the video below to see her rescue:


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