These are the photos that the rescue crew posted! They’ve been notified to come to this place. A narrow route clogged with junk and rubbish! There was a tiny dog tethered up there.
“Honestly, there aren’t enough words to express how I felt at the time! The puppy is quite cute. This is his feces, which indicates that he has been shackled for several days!”
After the chain was taken off, he is now safe. Because of his awful condition, they brought him to the clinic veterinarian.
Armour is in very poor shape! To verify the statistics and diagnoses, the physicians needed to take blood. He didn’t have much energy left, so they quickly rehydrated him and helped him increase his resistance. Armour is attacked and weakened by things like scabies, fungus, and extreme frailty.
Positive signs have arrived at Armour after 7 days! After a bath and some medication, the skin problem was under control
Compared to previously, Armour is happier and friendlier! However, nobody can be positive that he has forgotten the past. But Armour requires veterinarian attention still!
Fortunately, he could then feed himself! He is consuming food to compensate for the times he was on the verge of hunger.
This may surprise you, but this is a photo of Armour taken more than a month after his rescue!
Surprisingly, Armour was taken in after his details were released by the rescue squad. Armour, after two months in the new home! Currently, as an adult boy,
A retrospective on Armor’s voyage! I’m hoping he has fun and happiness!
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