In the summer of 2011, when searching for a special needs dog to adopt, I came across Daisy. She walks with the help of a wheelchair due to a congenital abnormality in her front legs. I was devastated to see that dogs with disabilities typically have a harder time finding a permanent home and are the first on the list for euthanasia at the shelter.
Like I say about other crippled dogs, I don’t feel sorry for Daisy because she’s a strong girl. I decided to post Daisy’s story on social media to increase awareness of all canines with disabilities. Daisy has won quite a lot of admirers worldwide thanks to her endearing demeanor, feisty outlook, and underbite smile, and for that, I am incredibly appreciative. Daisy’s story and pictures should become viral, and I hope more people will become adoptive of dogs with unique needs.
I was devastated to find that dogs with disabilities are the first to be put to death.
Daisy required a wheelchair due to a congenital abnormality in her front legs at birth.
I think Daisy is a brave girl, and I don’t feel sorry for her because of her impairment.
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