This newborn albino puppy struggled greatly before experiencing an incredible metamorphosis

Some dogs simply never have the chance to fight. Many furballs end up being thrown out onto the streets as a result of careless breeding, and they typically don’t survive.

One such instance is from California, where a backyard breeder threw away a litter of puppies.

A woman froze in her tracks the moment she got a call about a dog that was just three days old. The littermates were literally on the verge of death, and they desperately needed assistance!

Struggling to Live Since the Beginning 


@luckysecondchanceatlife_ is the source.

Clanay Reza, an independent rancher from California with huge compassion for animals, received a call from the neighbor of a breeder asking if she could help.

Under the care of their deceased mother who was bleeding to death, the entire litter of puppies was left to fend for themselves at that time. Lucky was the weakest of the group. He was about the size of a young hamster.

Reza never stopped believing in him, even though there was no possibility he would live. She slept very little during the first several days and fed him formula every twenty minutes. 

“I never knew if he would get tomorrow. In Lucky’s first eight weeks of life, I didn’t get much sleep. Clancy posted on Instagram, “I would stay up watching him to make sure he was still breathing and alive.”


@luckysecondchanceatlife_ is the source.

Sadly, Lucky’s other siblings were not able to survive, leaving him as the only one remaining.

Numerous nights of insomnia 


Lucky’s life was no longer in danger after weeks of nonstop fighting, but he still had numerous unresolved health problems. He was diagnosed with a corneal ulcer and yeast infection as his eyes began to open, and one of his eyes was removed.

We discovered that in addition to having a corneal ulcer and an actual puncture in his eye, he was blind in one eye. At four months old, we removed his eye since the puncture and ulcer became larger and began to cause him pain as he grew older, according to Clancy.

Lucky was given an albinism diagnosis at the age of ten weeks. His mother said that inbreeding had resulted in a recessive gene that causes albinism.

His life was nothing but an uphill struggle in the first year. Despite several setbacks and the loss of his mother and siblings, he has never, ever lost the will to live!

His first year has been quite the rollercoaster, but I am grateful for every setback we had together. Clancy remarked, “They just made my love for him stronger.”

The most eccentric family member is Lucky.

@luckysecondchanceatlife_ is the source.

This is Lucky now, ladies and gentlemen!

Despite everything that has happened to him, he appears more knowledgeable than ever! He is without a doubt aware that he is the cutest, fluffiest, and most quirky member of the family!

At eight years old, Lucky is the happiest he has ever been! He’s creating amazing experiences every day with his amazing family as if his horrible history never occurred.

@luckysecondchanceatlife_ is the source.

His unwavering faith in himself has enabled him to grow into a self-assured, powerful man. Lucky is the ideal friend. He’s a true kid at heart, having always acted like one. He adores everyone.

He recently became the proud father of a new baby sister, and he is overjoyed. She is the center of his actual universe. He makes an effort to stay by her side constantly, and he genuinely enjoys napping with her.

Having been abandoned as a puppy and given no opportunity in life, Lucky is now the luckiest dog on the planet!

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