The strongest kind of love that exists is that of a mother. It became clear to rescuers what a mother dog was doing for her puppies when they witnessed it. The home she was living in collapsed, burying them beneath the rubble. Thankfully, Animal Aid Unlimited India was available to help.
When the dog saw them, she wagged her tail and barked for help.
The rescuers thought the puppies had died, but the mother dog would not give up. She put her nose to the ground and encouraged the rescuers to keep digging, which may have been a sign that the puppies were still alive
Despite the busyness of the rescuers, the mother dog saw an opportunity to assist. She began to dig and chew to indicate the whereabouts of the babies. It appeared as though she knew they might suffocate at any time.
It took some time for them to hear the dogs’ whimpers coming from behind the rubble. They were hidden, but they were still alive.
Following their release, the mother gave each puppy a close examination. Seeing her puppies again made her happy.
The family was moved securely, and the mother will be spayed after the puppies are weaned.
It’s wonderful to witness people trying to help our animal friends.
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