Greenville County Animal Care posted an urgent request for a volunteer to transport an injured dog to a veterinarian clinic following the vicious attack of a dog by two other canines.
Legend was saved when two women who were out for a stroll noticed a disturbance at a house. When they got there to look into it, they saw the dog being attacked by two Pit bulls. Animal control was contacted and the three dogs were taken to Greenville County Animal Care.
Legend had bite wounds and was covered in blood when Alexay first encountered him. His right ear was dangling on a thread, his left ear was chopped, and his torso was covered in bite marks.
From his shoulders forward, all of his puncture scars were visible, Rizzo told The Greenville News. Blood spurted from a couple of deep cuts on him when he moved.
The ER veterinarian wasn’t convinced he would survive, she said. It didn’t seem like anything was broken. But he was unable to handle the physical toll of all of these things: “A tiny body is only capable of so much.
Conversely, Legend is a fighter who made it through his very first fight. He was put on a feeding tube, had surgery, and received fluids over several days. Then he began to recover.
After several days, his injuries had gotten worse. He did, however, progressively become better. Rescue Dogs Rock NYC intervened to help pay for his escalating medical bills.
“We’re extremely happy with the result and thankful he’s still with us,” the group’s co-founder Jackie O’Sullivan stated. It’s an amazing story, and he’s changed things significantly.
Legend is scarred and has lost both of his ears, yet his hearing is normal. He is ecstatic, nevertheless, in contrast. He loves to kiss Fran more than anything else, and he always has a wagging tail.
Fran said of Legend, “You can miss out on an amazing story if you judge a book by its cover.” She goes on, “He’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever raised.” “He’s constantly asking for kisses and embraces.
Fran says they have such a strong bond that she considers keeping Legend every day. She understands that, despite the need for fosters, Greenville County Animal Care will not be able to use her for foster care any longer.
She wishes that more people would consider lending a helping hand to Greenville County Animal Care, which is in dire need of support.
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