After getting lost and walking for several kilometers while destitute and without hope, Drako’s family persisted in looking for him till they eventually located him.
It is often difficult and annoying when a pet disappears; for responsible owners, it is usually a painful moment, but you should never give up hope of finding them again and continue to search for them even at the farthest location. Before being reunited with his family, Drako, a dog, had been living on the streets for several months. His family cuddled and affectionately stroked him, expressing surprise and tears in their eyes.
After nearly six months, they are reunited with their lost pet.
The scene was captured on camera by Jenny Tafur JTR, who shared it on Facebook, where it has amassed over two million views. To get over his cold, Drako appeared to be sleeping in the dirt with a bed.
He had arrived at Chorrillos after getting lost somewhere between Pamplona and San Juan de Miraflores, Peru. His relatives had searched for him by air, sea, and land for five months, but they had no idea how he got there or how he survived.
The dog was left to sleep on the street, but someone had to take care of getting him to a safe place to meet his family.
In the video, a man walks up to him, looks astonished, cries, and hugs him. While the rest of the family runs over to give him plenty of love, Drako just wags his tail back and forth, content with the situation.
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