A loving dog shows undying companionship and solidarity by staying by a dying horse’s side until the very end in a heartwarming demonstration of loyalty

One of the eleven dogs that Martn Miranda and his family rescued is named Forastero. They also prevented a horse from being sent to a zoo to be eaten by lions. Even though the horse Canario was very sick, the dog never left him by himself until it was too late.

The family decided to ask the owner whether they might try to save the canary despite its weakness and incapacity to stand on its own. They had saved dogs, cats, and hens in the past, and they couldn’t stand to think of this horse dying.

Canario spent five months living with Martn’s family, but throughout that period, nothing improved. Canario’s health worsened to the point where he was unable to support himself.

Ayuda a Caballos Maltratados (ACMA) in Argentina received a call from Volunteers for Our Horses (VPN), another nonprofit organization, regarding a horse who was lying down and unable to stand.

The horse was obviously very old and tired, it had chewed away at its bones, it showed other signs of wear indicative of an older horse, and it had no teeth.

The Corse veterinarian realized at that point that he was not dealing with another case of horse abuse, which is prevalent in the area and involves treating horses like racehorses until they pass away from exhaustion.

The doctor gave Canary an injection to put him to sleep and finally gave him a break from his agony because he was dying and was immobile.

The family was shocked to hear that the Canary had been sacrificed, but they soon came to understand that the horse—which they had mistakenly believed to be young and unwell—was an ancient being seeking peace.



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