A heartbreaking video depicts a distraught mother dog trying to remove her puppies from their graves by excavating them. The tragedy happened in Suzhou, Anhui Province, China, when the puppies were born with health issues.
The owner, Mr. Qin, says that two of the puppies died while they were still puppies and that their buried remains were dug up “five or six times.”
The dog is seen in the first video biting into a dead puppy with her jaws while her owner strokes her and eventually tries to get the body out from in between her teeth.
In the second video, the mother is shown probably excavating the ground to get to the two puppy carcasses that are buried in a shallow grave and licking them.
The dog responds to her owner’s tender touches, even though she appears to be depressed and crying.
The dog is shown going along a road with one of the dead puppies in her mouth in the third
When the video ends, Mr. Qin takes the puppy out of the dog and holds its lifeless body in his palm.
It’s unclear how many more puppies made it through the delivery.
The video is available here: (Caution: Watch carefully. There are potentially distressing images in the video.
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