rTiny feet, tiny ears, and a tiny tail that wags when he’s delighted all characterize Odin, the tiny dog. On the little pup’s special day, Odin, on the other hand, was everything from little.
Odin and Joyce Cetina’s family are currently living in Mexico. Since the family received Odin three years ago, he has shown them love and compassion daily.
Joyce described him as an incredibly devoted partner to The Dodo. “He likes to play and give hugs.”
Earlier this month, as Odin’s birthday drew near, the Cetina family decided to make the celebration extra special. They showed Odin how much they respected him by surprising him with a party.
When Odin discovered that they had remembered his birthday, he was shocked and touched.
The Cetinas had created a cake that was dog-friendly that they had bought. Odin was then told of the surprise.
At first, he was a little confused. Joyce remarked, “He didn’t know what it was all about. Then he realized that he was the center of attention and that the cake was his. He was very happy.
Naturally, a happy birthday song is a must-have for every celebration, and Odin’s was no exception.
Watch Odin take it all in on camera (complete with his special cake) in this video:
Joyce said, “He looked it real.”
Then more presents were delivered to Odin, who examined them as well. Joyce continued, “He valued the innumerable cuddles and kisses he received above everything else.”
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