He was being thrown stones by onlookers as he looked for food, and he lay there almost giving up

This dog was in very bad condition. His lower right leg had been purposefully chopped off by someone.

Several times, a crew of rescuers from Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary searched for him but were unable to find him. He had pretty much given up and looked like he was preparing to die when they found him.

When he arrived looking for food, the reporter stated, some people had been throwing stones at him. We have no idea how much anguish and suffering he went through.

only attempting to get by.

To determine the extent of his injuries, they took him to the veterinarian. The stone that was thrown at his boy had left him covered in holes. He was too frail for surgery, but there was no way to preserve his limb.

After ten days, they submitted the dog—later named Matty—for investigation, and the findings show that, as a result of blood loss and infection, he has extremely low hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

According to Dr. Riv, “We still have to weigh the risk of surgery against the risk of infection from the necrotic leg tissue, so his survival is not guaranteed.” We are making every effort to treat any infection that may develop and return his blood levels to normal.

Day 22: Matty is becoming stronger and more self-assured. Although not at the required level, his blood counts have improved. Nevertheless, they will have to amputate his leg because it is becoming more and more necrotic every day.

After almost three months, a new family adopts Matty. With Blake at his side, he’s thriving in his new house and full of love. Considering the horrific abuse he received from people before being saved, it’s amazing how loving he is.

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