The kind, albeit awkward, man who recovered the lost puppy from under the car showed him love

One day, a clumsy man discovered a tiny dog under a parked car on his way home from work. The dog looked lost and terrified, so the man decided to help it.

Gently, he reached beneath the car and grabbed the dog. The dog was cautious at first but soon came around to him. With caution, the man picked up the puppy and removed it from beneath the automobile.

The dog licked the man all over because it was so happy to be saved. With a laugh, the man stroked the dog. He sensed the dog was appreciative of him.

The man decided to take the dog with him. He gave the dog a wash and some food in a bowl. After eating voraciously, the dog curled up on the man’s lap and went to sleep.

The man called his dog “Lucky.” The man quickly became friends with Lucky. Every day, the two of them went on walks, and at night, Lucky slept in the man’s bed.

One day as he was walking Lucky in the park, the man noticed some kids playing. With haste, Lucky went to the kids and started playing with them. The kids loved Lucky, and they all had a terrific day hanging out.

The dad smiled as he watched Lucky engage with the kids. He felt very fortunate to have saved Lucky that day. He had received so much love and happiness from Lucky.


The man was positive that Lucky and he would be lifelong best friends.

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