Little Mo appeared like this when she was found. Mo was a victim of the illicit dog meat trade in Bali, just like countless others had been.
In a Bali gutter, the small child was found half-dead and starved.
After all of the suffering and torment Mo had gone through, fixing her nose was the most challenging physical problem she faced.
The tape had cut off the blood supply, causing the flesh to wither. Skin grafts and careful suturing were used to implant her nose.
Her mouth was sealed together and her hind legs were tied together with a shoelace.
She was hurried into surgery, where her nose and skin grafts were painstakingly sutured in place.
The crew wasn’t sure if she would make it through such a taxing procedure after everything that she had been through.
Slowly, with time, love, and rehabilitation, Mo started to heal.
She began to put on weight, her blood flow became more normal, and she was able to feel her nose again. Her personality came out, and her confidence was restored. Mo grew into the gorgeous dog she had always been, despite the pain she had endured. Mo developed into the wonderful dog she had always been—sweet, affectionate, and yet trusting of humans.
Mo was a lovely, affectionate, and trustworthy dog who had always blossomed despite her past pain. Sweet, affectionate, and yet human-trusting, Mo developed into the beautiful dog she had always been.
Mo was taken in by a kind and devoted family very quickly.
With a loving human couple who spoil her with toys, affection, and an abundance of snacks, Mo is currently leading the life of her dreams.
She slept in her parent’s bed for ten hours straight on her first night home! She has fun with her dog siblings during the day, enjoys delicious food, and receives lots of hugs.
Mo is finally enjoying the life that every dog deserves, thanks to all of the amazing people who assisted he
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