About a small dog named Busya that was chained up and guarding a house, Sergey called Love Furry Friends Rescue.
Garbage surrounded the dilapidated house. When the owner refused to return Busya, Sergey wondered if the rescuers might arrive the following day. The rescuers said as much.
The canine’s owner told the rescuers that the mother dog, who was chained up, had just given birth to four puppies. But they kept the male and drowned all the women. vile! Busya was relieved when one of the rescuers knelt to say hello.
She sobbed as her puppy was placed on the woman’s lap because she was afraid the woman would hurt him. She gave her life to protect him because he was her last child.
After a while, Busya gave up, and the savior brought the two dogs inside his vehicle. It was now time to take the dog for a thorough checkup at the veterinarian. Busya was an amazing woman, and so was her child, Buddy.
Watch the movie below to hear the whole tale and learn more about adopting the pups still searching for their forever home!
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